3.9级地震震动了新西兰惠灵顿,周日初,近9 000人感受到地震。 A magnitude 3.9 earthquake shook Wellington, New Zealand, early Sunday, felt by nearly 9,000 people.
新西兰惠灵顿星期天清晨发生3.9级地震。 A magnitude 3.9 earthquake struck Wellington, New Zealand, early Sunday morning. 位于下赫特以东10公里处, 位于14公里的浅水深处, 据GeoNet网站报导, 近9000人感受到震动, Centered 10 kilometers east of Lower Hutt and occurring at a shallow depth of 14 kilometers, the tremor was felt by nearly 9,000 people, according to reports on GeoNet's website. 这一事件提醒居民应审查其地震准备情况。 The incident serves as a reminder for residents to review their earthquake preparedness.