爱尔兰超市因受污染恐惧而召回多项奶酪产品, Irish supermarkets recall multiple cheese products due to contamination fears, advise returns.
由于潜在的污染问题,爱尔兰超市召回了多种奶酪产品,影响到流行零售链。 Irish supermarkets have recalled multiple cheese products due to potential contamination concerns, affecting popular retail chains. 建议消费者退还任何受影响的奶酪作为退款。 Consumers are advised to return any affected cheeses for refunds. 重新召回是一项预防措施,关于具体品牌或污染类型的进一步细节没有在本条中提供。 The recall is a precautionary measure, and further details on specific brands or contamination types are not provided in the article.