由于可能受到Listeria污染,Abbey 特殊食品公司召回了两个Wicklow Gold Cheddar品种。 Abbey Specialty Foods recalls two Wicklow Gold Cheddar varieties due to possible Listeria contamination.
由于可能受到Listeria 单细胞基因污染,Abbey 特种食品公司正在召回两种Wicklow Gold Cheddar Cheese品种。 Abbey Specialty Foods is recalling two varieties of Wicklow Gold Cheddar Cheese due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination. 受影响的产品在马萨诸塞州、缅因州、新罕布什尔州、俄亥俄州和科罗拉多州销售,包括Nettle & Chive和番茄和草料口味。 The affected products, sold in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Colorado, include Nettle & Chive and Tomato & Herb flavors. Listeria可造成严重疾病,特别是在弱势群体中,建议消费者不要吃被召回的乳酪。 Listeria can cause severe illness, especially in vulnerable groups, and consumers are advised not to eat the recalled cheese. 没有报告任何疾病。 No illnesses have been reported.