由于Listeria的潜在污染,Wicklow Farmhouse Cheese召回了20多种产品。 Wicklow Farmhouse Cheese recalls over 20 products due to potential Listeria contamination.
爱尔兰奶酪生产商Wicklow Farmhouse Cheese回忆说,由于可能受到Listeria单细胞基因污染,主要超市销售了20多种奶酪产品。 An Irish cheese producer, Wicklow Farmhouse Cheese, has recalled over 20 cheese products sold in major supermarkets due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination. 爱尔兰食品安全局建议消费者不要吃受影响的奶酪,因为Listeria可造成类似流感的症状、胃肠问题以及孕妇、婴儿和免疫系统衰弱的弱势群体的严重并发症。 The Food Safety Authority of Ireland advises consumers not to eat the affected cheeses, as Listeria can cause flu-like symptoms, gastrointestinal issues, and serious complications for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, babies, and those with weakened immune systems. 零售商奉指示将奶酪从销售中除去,并张贴召回通知。 Retailers are instructed to remove the cheeses from sale and display recall notices.