西孟菲斯警方征召圣诞老人和精灵参加一项假期运动, West Memphis police enlist Santa and elves in a holiday campaign to track "naughty" suspects.
西孟菲斯警察局正在使用一种独特的、以假日为主题的办法,就犯罪问题与公众接触。 The West Memphis Police Department is using a unique, holiday-themed approach to engage with the public about crime. 他们要求圣诞老人的帮助 并警告精灵们会追捕他们"恶毒名单"上的嫌疑人 They are asking for Santa's help and warning that elves will pursue suspects on their "naughty list." 这种轻率的方法旨在提高对被通缉者的认识,同时让事情有趣。 This lighthearted method aims to raise awareness about wanted individuals while keeping things fun.