美国各地的警察逮捕了偷窃节日装饰的格林奇仿真者, Police across the U.S. arrested Grinch impersonators stealing holiday decorations, including "Ethan Toothstain Grinch" in Iowa.
美国多个警察部门逮捕了装扮成格林奇的人, 试图偷窃圣诞装饰和礼物, 包括在爱荷华州达拉斯县, Multiple police departments across the US have arrested people dressed as the Grinch for attempting to steal Christmas decorations and presents, including in Dallas County, Iowa, where "Ethan Toothstain Grinch" was booked into jail with his dog Max. 这次轻松的活动旨在维护节日精神,确保圣诞老人分娩的安全。 This light-hearted event aims to maintain the holiday spirit and ensure Santa's deliveries remain safe.