八人在阿拉巴马州被捕, 因为在“圣诞快乐行动”期间, 试图与一个孩子发生性行为。 Eight people were arrested in Alabama for trying to meet a child for sexual acts during "Operation Merry Christmas."
8个人在阿拉巴马州DeKalb县因试图以性行为与一名16岁以下儿童见面而在一次卧底行动中被捕。 Eight individuals were arrested in DeKalb County, Alabama, during an undercover operation for attempting to meet a child under 16 for sexual acts. DeKalb县治安官办公室缴获了7辆汽车,现金超过2 000美元,并缴获了包括火器在内的多件武器。 The DeKalb County Sheriff's Office seized seven vehicles, over $2,000 in cash, and multiple weapons, including a firearm. 此次行动名为「圣诞快乐行动」, 突显了对该地区儿童性贩运的日益关切。 The operation, named "Operation Merry Christmas," highlights rising concerns about child sex trafficking in the area.