英国同意取消苏格兰鲑鱼标签上的“农耕”标签, UK approves removing "farmed" from Scottish salmon labels, risking confusion and quality concerns.
苏格兰养殖的鲑鱼(英国最大的食品出口)可能从联合王国环境、食品和农村事务部(Defra)批准的包装中失去“养殖的”一词。 Scottish farmed salmon, the UK's top food export, may lose the word "farmed" from its packaging, approved by the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). 这种变化可能会混淆消费者,损害鲑鱼的声誉,因为有些人可能会认为他们正在购买野生鲑鱼。 This change could confuse consumers and harm the salmon's reputation, as some might think they are buying wild-caught salmon. 批评者还担心放松生产限制可能会降低质量,使苏格兰小生产者处于不利地位。 Critics also worry that easing production restrictions may lower quality and disadvantage smaller Scottish producers.