水产养殖业日益依赖野生鱼类,特别是养殖鲑鱼,这与行业的要求相矛盾。 Aquaculture industry increasingly relies on wild fish, particularly for farmed salmon, contradicting industry claims.
《科学进步》的一项研究表明,全球水产养殖业日益依赖野生鱼类,特别是养殖鲑鱼,这影响到当地鱼类的可获性。 A study in Science Advances reveals that the global aquaculture industry increasingly relies on wild fish, particularly for farmed salmon, affecting local fish availability. 研究质疑该行业关于减少对鱼粉和鱼油的依赖的说法,认为“钓鱼出鱼”比率有误导性。 The research challenges the industry's claims about decreasing dependence on fishmeal and fish oil, asserting that the "Fish-in-Fish-out" ratio is misleading. 随着水产养殖业的扩大,对野生鱼类的需求可能增加,促使人们呼吁寻找替代饲料来源,以减轻环境影响,改善食物的获取。 With aquaculture expansion, the demand for wild fish is likely to rise, prompting calls for alternative feed sources to mitigate environmental impacts and improve food accessibility.