宾夕法尼亚州夫妇在五年内面临20次家庭洪水淹没 把它比作"尼亚加拉瀑布" Pennsylvania couple faces home flooding 20 times in five years, likening it to "Niagara Falls."
在宾夕法尼亚州,一对年长的夫妇在家中经常面临洪水恶梦,在过去五年里,水淹没了他们的财产20次。 An elderly couple in Pennsylvania have faced a recurring flooding nightmare at their home, with water inundating their property 20 times over the past five years. 这对夫妇将洪水描述为“像尼亚加拉瀑布一样”,造成重大破坏,并迫使他们多次撤离。 The couple describes the flooding as "like Niagara Falls," causing significant damage and forcing them to evacuate repeatedly. 尽管生活艰难,他们仍拒绝离家出走,寻求地方官员的帮助来解决这一问题。 Despite their hardships, they have refused to leave their home, seeking help from local officials to address the issue.