执法部门调查暗礁州和梅瑟州的无人驾驶飞机目击事件,特别是在梅尔塞尔的西部地区。 Law enforcement investigates drone sightings in Darke and Mercer Counties, especially in Mercer's west.
据报告,在Darke州和Mercer州有无人驾驶飞机目击事件,Mercer州西部的活动增加。 Drone sightings have been reported in Darke and Mercer Counties, with increased activity in the western part of Mercer County. 包括联邦航空管理局和联邦调查局在内的地方执法部门正在调查这些无人机的起源和目的。 Local law enforcement, including the Federal Aviation Administration and FBI, are investigating the origin and purpose of these drones. 居民被要求分享任何信息或录像,但敦促他们不要追逐无人机。 Residents are asked to share any information or footage but are urged not to chase the drones.