前宇航员Leroy Chiao在天空中发现了两个金属球,加剧了无人机投机和新的飞行限制。 Former astronaut Leroy Chiao spotted two metallic spheres in the sky, fueling drone speculation and new flight restrictions.
前美国航天局宇航员Leroy Chiao报告说,在9 000英尺的飞行中,看到两个金属球体,每个物体直径约3英尺。 Former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao reported seeing two metallic spherical objects, each about three feet in diameter, during a flight at 9,000 feet. 这些物体没有通过雷达或空中交通管制系统探测到,它们使人猜测它们可能是军用无人机。 The objects, which were not detected by radar or air traffic control, have sparked speculation that they might be military drones. Chiao 的目击事件发生在美国上空有神秘无人机的报道越来越多之际,导致联邦机构进行调查,并在新泽西州的 22 个地区实施临时无人机飞行限制。 Chiao's sighting comes amid increased reports of mysterious drones over the US, leading to investigations by federal agencies and temporary drone flight restrictions in 22 areas of New Jersey. 官员确保没有证据表明存在安全威胁,但一些立法者要求更严格的条例。 Officials assure there is no evidence of a security threat, yet some lawmakers call for stricter regulations.