全国酋长敦促议员在节假日前向参议院提交原住民水法案。 National Chief urges MPs to send First Nations water bill to Senate before holidays.
原住民议会全国议长Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak敦促议员在节假日休会前向参议院提交第一民族水法案C-61号法案。 Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, is urging Members of Parliament to send Bill C-61, a First Nations water bill, to the Senate before the holiday break. 该法案旨在为原住民社区提供清洁饮用水,并解决多年来一直存在的水危机。 The bill aims to provide clean drinking water and address the water crisis in First Nations communities, which has been ongoing for years. 尽管在下议院取得了进展,但由于特权辩论,该法案仍面临拖延。 Despite progress in the House of Commons, the bill faces delays due to a privilege debate. 该法案的通过将表明加拿大致力于履行对第一民族的责任。 Passing the bill would show Canada's commitment to its responsibilities towards First Nations.