土著领导人承认在特鲁多方案下取得的进展,但呼吁在住房、医疗保健和选举参与方面采取更多行动。 Indigenous leaders recognize progress under Trudeau but call for more action on housing, healthcare, and election engagement.
梅蒂斯人全国理事会承认在特鲁多总理领导下取得的进展,包括《加拿大-梅蒂斯人民族协定》和通过《联合国布隆迪重建与恢复方案》。 The Métis National Council (MNC) has recognized progress under Prime Minister Trudeau's leadership, including the Canada-Métis Nation Accord and adoption of UNDRIP. 然而,国民议会敦促就住房和保健等问题采取更多行动,并呼吁在即将举行的选举之前与各政党进行接触。 However, the MNC urges more action on issues like housing and healthcare, and calls for engagement with political parties ahead of the upcoming election. 同时,第一民族议会全国酋长Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak承认特鲁多在清洁饮水和教育等问题上所作的努力,但强调需要继续取得进展,并优先处理第一民族问题。 Meanwhile, National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak of the Assembly of First Nations acknowledged Trudeau's efforts on issues such as clean water and education but highlighted the need for continued progress and prioritization of First Nations issues.