马尼托巴省第一民族首领谴责保守党将清洁用水问题政治化。 Manitoba First Nation chief condemns politicization of clean water issues by Conservatives.
马尼托巴第一民族首领对保守派政治人物将清洁用水问题作为政治策略表示失望, The chief of a Manitoba First Nation expressed disappointment over Conservative politicians using clean water issues as a political tactic, according to the Brandon Sun. 酋长辩称,获得清洁饮水是一项基本人权,不应政治化。 The chief argues that access to clean water is a basic human right and should not be politicized. 声明是在对土著社区水质的持续关切中发表的。 The statement comes amid ongoing concerns about water quality in indigenous communities.