国家档案馆馆长强调在政治分裂中维护美国历史的中立性。 National Archives leader stresses neutrality in preserving U.S. history amid political divisions.
Scott Simon采访了国家档案馆馆长Colleen Shogan, 谈到该机构在政治分裂时期面临的挑战。 Scott Simon interviews Colleen Shogan, the leader of the National Archives, about the challenges the agency faces during politically divided times. 国家档案馆的目的是保持中立,同时保存并分享美国的历史文件。 The National Archives aims to maintain neutrality while preserving and sharing America's historical documents. Shogan强调,尽管政治分歧日益加剧,但必须提供准确和公正的信息,以确保全面了解国家的过去。 Shogan emphasizes the importance of providing accurate and impartial information to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the nation's past, despite growing political divisions.