合并新西兰档案馆和国家图书馆可能会造成27个就业机会损失,影响记录查阅和扫盲目标。 Merger of Archives NZ and National Library may lead to 27 job losses, impacting record access and literacy goals.
拟议的新西兰档案馆与国家图书馆的合并可能导致27个就业机会的丧失,影响到图书馆员和馆长等角色。 The proposed merger between Archives NZ and the National Library could lead to the loss of 27 jobs, affecting roles like librarians and curators. 这可能导致在获取历史记录和教育资源方面出现延误和积压。 This could result in delays and backlogs in accessing historical records and educational resources. 这些削减也与政府提高识字率的目标相冲突。 The cuts also conflict with the government's goal to improve literacy rates. 虽然将设立一些新职位,但总体工作人员减少可能会影响历史记录和公共服务的维护和获取。 While some new positions will be created, the overall staff reduction may impact the maintenance and accessibility of historical records and public services.