日本将向每个都道府县派遣备灾官员,以便在2026年之前加强应急反应。 Japan to assign disaster preparedness officers to each prefecture to enhance emergency response by 2026.
日本计划从下一个财政年度开始,向每个都道府县派遣备灾官员,为南开海沟大地震等潜在重大灾害做好准备。 Japan plans to assign disaster preparedness officers to each prefecture starting next fiscal year to prepare for potential major disasters like the Nankai Trough megaquake. 这些干事共约50人,将管理库存,促进志愿工作,并在紧急情况下组织疏散。 The officers, around 50 in total, will manage stockpiles, promote volunteer work, and organize evacuations during emergencies. 该倡议旨在到2026年建立一个“灾害管理局”,将目前的110名工作人员增加一倍,并争取增加预算。 This initiative aims to establish a "Disaster Management Agency" by 2026, doubling the current staff of 110 and seeking a budget increase. 最近的灾害突出表明,需要更好地应对灾害。 Recent disasters highlighted the need for better disaster response.