在巴西举行的20国集团会议上,印度承诺减少灾害风险,并最后确定了一份关键宣言。 At the G-20 meeting in Brazil, India committed to disaster risk reduction and finalized a key declaration.
在2024年10月30日至11月1日在巴西贝莱姆举行的20国集团减少灾害风险会议上,印度首席秘书P.K.。 At the G-20 Disaster Risk Reduction meeting in Belem, Brazil, from October 30 to November 1, 2024, India's Principal Secretary P.K. Mishra强调了该国对减少灾害风险的《仙台框架》的承诺。 Mishra emphasized the country's commitment to the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction. 印度代表团在最后完成关于减少灾害风险的第一次部长级宣言方面发挥了关键作用,强调了五个优先事项:早期预警系统、具有复原力的基础设施、灾害融资、恢复和基于自然的解决办法。 The Indian delegation played a key role in finalizing the first ministerial declaration on disaster risk reduction, highlighting five priorities: early warning systems, resilient infrastructure, disaster financing, recovery, and nature-based solutions.