娱乐业的裁员袭击了Gen X执行官,促使许多人转向职业变革。 Entertainment industry layoffs hit Gen X executives, pushing many towards career changes.
娱乐业最近一波的裁员 给Gen X执行官带来沉重打击, 许多都考虑职业变化。 The entertainment industry's recent wave of layoffs has hit Gen X executives hard, with many considering career changes. 转向基因化的人工智能和预期的工业整顿使中层管理层感到不确定。 The shift towards generative AI and expected industry consolidation have left middle-management feeling uncertain. 然而,有些正在通过成为顾问和导师加以调整,这表明在挑战面前存在着增长和重新创造的机会。 However, some are adapting by becoming consultants and mentors, showing that there are opportunities for growth and reinvention amid the challenges.