都柏林为本周五至周日的深夜派对参与者设立了配备医务人员的福利区。 Dublin sets up welfare area with medics for late-night partygoers this Friday to Sunday.
都柏林市议会将在绿色学院设立一个福利区,从星期五开始,为期三个晚上,为那些晚到的人提供帮助。 Dublin City Council will set up a welfare area in College Green for three nights starting Friday, offering help to those out late. 从下午11时至12月20日、21日和22日上午4时,该地区将有训练有素的医务人员和保安人员,协助急救和支助过量饮酒者。 Operating from 11 pm to 4 am on December 20th, 21st, and 22nd, the area will have trained medics and security staff to assist with first aid and support for those who have over-consumed alcohol. 该试点在旅游和文化部的支持下,旨在减轻对紧急服务的压力,并在节日季节提供更安全的夜间体验。 The pilot, backed by the Department of Tourism and Culture, aims to ease pressure on emergency services and provide a safer night-time experience during the festive season.