爱尔兰在都柏林开设了第一个受监督的药物注射中心,以遏制健康风险并提供支持。 Ireland opens first supervised drug injection center in Dublin to curb health risks and offer support.
爱尔兰第一个受监督的药物注射中心在都柏林开放,为吸毒者在医疗监督下注射药物提供安全空间。 Ireland's first supervised drug injection center opens in Dublin, offering a safe space for drug users to inject under medical supervision. 该设施旨在减少吸毒过量等健康风险以及艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎等疾病的传播。 它还提供戒毒治疗和心理保健支助。 The facility aims to reduce health risks like overdose and the spread of diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C. It also provides referrals to addiction treatment and mental health support. 500万欧元的中心将作为为期18个月的试点运作,由卫生服务执行部门评估其影响。 The €5 million center will operate as an 18-month pilot, with the Health Service Executive evaluating its impact.