美国各地的Sobering中心都面临低占用率问题, Sobering centers across the U.S. face low occupancy, raising questions about their effectiveness.
全国各地新的戒酒中心占用率低,许多床位未用。 New sobering up centers across the country are experiencing low occupancy rates, leaving many beds unused. 这些中心的设立是为了帮助醉酒但不需要医疗护理的个人。 These centers were established to help individuals who are intoxicated but do not require medical attention. 尽管需要这些设施,但认识和利用率似乎很低,许多人对这些中心在实现其预定目的方面的效力提出质疑。 Despite the need for such facilities, awareness and utilization appear to be low, leaving many questioning the effectiveness of these centers in serving their intended purpose.