联合国秘书长对委内瑞拉选举后据称的侵犯人权行为表示关切;敦促和平解决并呼吁联合国进行调查。 UN Secretary-General expresses concerns over alleged human rights violations following the Venezuelan election; urges peaceful resolution and calls for UN investigation.
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯在此后第一次对话中向委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗表示关注7月28日有争议的总统选举后所谓的侵犯人权和暴力事件. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres voiced concerns to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro about alleged human rights violations and violence following the disputed July 28 presidential election, during their first conversation since then. 古特雷斯敦促和平解决和包容各方的对话。 Guterres urged for peaceful resolution and inclusive dialogue. 鉴于镇压至少造成27人死亡和2 400人被捕,美洲7个国家呼吁联合国人权理事会进行调查。 In light of the crackdown, which resulted in at least 27 deaths and 2,400 arrests, seven countries in the Americas have called for a UN Human Rights Council investigation.