美国在拜登离任前向乌克兰提供7250万美元的军事援助,包括导弹和无人驾驶飞机。 U.S. provides Ukraine with $725M military aid, including missiles and drones, before Biden leaves office.
美国正在向乌克兰提供7.25亿美元的一揽子军事援助,包括斯汀格尔导弹、HEMARS弹药、无人驾驶飞机和地雷,以便在拜登政府离任前加强针对俄罗斯侵略的防御。 The U.S. is providing Ukraine with a $725 million military aid package, including Stinger missiles, HIMARS ammunition, drones, and land mines, to bolster its defenses against Russian aggression before the Biden administration leaves office. 这项援助旨在加强乌克兰的能力,支持其主权,同时关注即将上任的特朗普政府今后提供援助的问题。 This aid aims to strengthen Ukraine's capabilities and support its sovereignty, amid concerns about future assistance under the incoming Trump administration. 该一揽子计划是拜登承诺在2025年1月之前向乌克兰提供数十亿美元援助的一部分。 The package is part of Biden's pledge to provide billions in aid to Ukraine before January 2025.