新西兰的移民净人数自2022年12月以来达到最低点,因为有创纪录的离境记录。 New Zealand's net migration hits lowest point since December 2022 due to record departures.
新西兰每年的移民净收益下降到38 800人,这是自2022年12月以来最低的,原因是出入境人数创下记录,入境人数减少。 New Zealand's annual net migration gain has fallen to 38,800, the lowest since December 2022, due to record high departures and easing arrivals. 尽管每月到访的海外游客略有增加,达到人口流动前水平的85%,但净移民正在下降,新西兰公民离开的人数创纪录。 Despite a slight increase in monthly overseas visitor arrivals, reaching 85% of pre-pandemic levels, net migration is declining, with New Zealand citizens leaving in record numbers. 印度、中国和菲律宾仍然是抵达非公民的最高来源。 India, China, and the Philippines remain top sources for non-citizen arrivals.