2024年,有320万海外游客抵达新西兰,同比增长27%,中国,美国和澳大利亚领先;由于费用上和签证费用问题,旅游业仍面临缓慢复苏. 3.2 million overseas visitors arrived in NZ in 2024, up 27% YoY, led by China, US, and Australia; tourism still faces slow recovery due to rising charges and visa fee concerns.
在2024年6月,新西兰接待了320万海外游客,比前一年增加了27%,但比2019年的记录低17%。 In June 2024, New Zealand received 3.2 million overseas visitors, an increase of 27% from the previous year, but 17% lower than the 2019 record. 增加的主要原因是来自中国、美国和澳大利亚的游客。 The rise was mainly attributed to visitor arrivals from China, the US, and Australia. 尽管这一增长,新西兰旅游业的复苏仍然缓慢,原因是收费增加和签证费增加可能产生的影响。 Despite this increase, New Zealand's tourism industry is facing a slow recovery due to rising charges and potential impacts from increased visa fees. 该行业担心政府增加收费可能会阻止潜在的游客。 The industry is concerned that the government's fee increases may deter potential visitors.