在Kennewick的Lakeide公寓发生火灾;18架消防引擎响应,没有伤亡报告。 Fire breaks out at Lakeside Apartments in Kennewick; 18 fire engines respond, no injuries reported.
12月12日凌晨8点左右, 华盛顿肯尼迪克湖边公寓发生火灾。 A fire broke out at the Lakeside Apartments in Kennewick, Washington, around 8 PM on December 12th. G楼屋顶上发现烟雾冒出来,至少有18台消防车对现场作出反应。 Smoke was seen billowing from the roof of building G, with at least 18 fire engines responding to the scene. 火灾原因和任何潜在伤害仍然不明。 The cause of the fire and any potential injuries are still unknown. Edison的北行道因消防工作被封锁。 Northbound lanes of Edison were blocked for firefighting efforts. 火灾于下午8时32分控制,没有人员受伤的报告。 The fire was contained by 8:32 PM, with no injuries reported. 红十字会正在协助受影响的租户。 The Red Cross is assisting affected tenants.