周四早些时候,马顿的一栋公寓楼发生火灾后,四人流离失所。 Four were displaced after a fire broke out in a Mattoon apartment building early Thursday.
周四凌晨 5 点左右,伊利诺伊州马顿市一栋两单元公寓楼发生火灾,造成四人流离失所。 Four people were displaced after a fire broke out in a two-unit apartment building in Mattoon, Illinois, early Thursday morning around 5 a.m. 消防员在 20 分钟内从一楼控制了火焰,没有人员伤亡报告。 Firefighters controlled the flames from the first floor within 20 minutes, with no injuries reported. 红十字会为流离失所的租户提供了帮助,因为这些公寓被认为不适合居住。 The Red Cross provided assistance to the displaced tenants as the apartments were deemed uninhabitable. 起火原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.