Burnaby公寓的火灾造成100人流离失所,2人住院;正在调查纵火事件。 Fire in Burnaby apartment displaces 100, two hospitalized; arson under investigation.
公元前星期二清晨,公元前伯纳比的一座低层公寓大楼发生严重火灾,造成约100人流离失所。 A severe fire broke out in a low-rise apartment building in Burnaby, BC, early Tuesday morning, displacing about 100 people. 从凌晨12时30分左右开始的大火导致所有47个单位撤离,涉及15辆消防车和50名消防员。 The blaze, starting around 12:30 a.m., led to the evacuation of all 47 units and involved 15 fire trucks and 50 firefighters. 两名居民因吸入烟雾而住院治疗。 Two residents were hospitalized for smoke inhalation. 消防部门由于大楼的结构而面临挑战,目前正在调查原因,包括纵火的可能性。 The fire department faced challenges due to the building's structure, and the investigation into the cause, including the possibility of arson, is ongoing.