Biloxi公寓建筑群的早起火灾损坏了一栋大楼,没有受伤报告。 Early morning fire at Biloxi apartment complex damages one building, no injuries reported.
周六清晨,比洛西岛爱尔兰山道Irish Hill车道的伍德兰镇公寓发生一起严重的公寓火灾。 比洛西消防局回应并设法控制了大火,严重损坏了一处建筑物,并威胁了附近的单位。 Early Saturday morning, a significant apartment fire broke out at Woodland Towns Apartments on Irish Hill Drive in Biloxi around 2:30 a.m. Biloxi Fire Department responded and managed to contain the blaze, which heavily damaged one structure and threatened nearby units. 据报没有人员受伤,火灾原因仍不得而知。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire remains unknown. 火灾于上午7时30分被扑灭。 The fire was extinguished by 7:30 a.m.