美国上诉法院推翻了Nasdaq董事会的多样性规则,认为这些规则违反了联邦证券法。 US appeals court overturns Nasdaq's board diversity rules, deeming them a violation of federal securities law.
美国新奥尔良上诉法庭推翻了Nasdaq董事会多样性规则, 要求公司要有女性及少数族裔董事, 或解释为何没有。 A US appeals court in New Orleans has overturned Nasdaq's board diversity rules, which required companies to have women and minority directors or explain why they do not. 第9-8号决定支持保守倡导团体对规则提出质疑,认为规则违反联邦证券法。 The 9-8 decision supports conservative advocacy groups challenging the rules, finding they violate federal securities law. 这项裁决是Nasdaq为促进上市公司之间董事会多样性所作努力的一个挫折。 The ruling is a setback for Nasdaq's efforts to promote board diversity among listed companies.