联邦法官维护CFPB规则,要求放款人为小企业借款人收集人口数据。 Federal judge upholds CFPB rule requiring lenders to collect demographic data for small business borrowers.
一名联邦法官支持CFPB的规则,要求放款人收集关于小企业借款人的人口数据,目的是执行公平的贷款法,防止歧视。 A federal judge upheld the CFPB's rule requiring lenders to collect demographic data on small business borrowers, aiming to enforce fair lending laws and prevent discrimination. 美国银行家协会和得克萨斯银行家协会反对CFPB的权力,但法官驳回了他们的要求,认为是分歧,而不是对法定权力的争议。 The American Bankers Association and Texas Bankers Association argued against the CFPB's authority, but the judge dismissed their claims, considering them as disagreements rather than disputes over statutory authority. 这项裁决支持菲律宾中央银行对小型和少数民族企业实行公平的贷款做法,反对该规则者将对裁决提出上诉。 This ruling supports the CFPB's enforcement of fair lending practices for small and minority-owned businesses, and those opposing the rule will appeal the decision.