南非的甘蔗农民可以将作物废物转化为生物能源,可能为100 000多户家庭供电。 South Africa's sugarcane farmers can convert crop waste into bioenergy, potentially powering over 100,000 homes.
南非小规模甘蔗种植农可以将甘蔗垃圾变成生物能源, South Africa's small-scale sugarcane farmers could turn sugarcane trash, currently burnt and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, into bioenergy. 这种转换可产生高达每季180.1兆瓦的电力,足以供100 000多户家庭使用。 This conversion could generate up to 180.1MW of electricity per season, enough for over 100,000 homes. 为此,农民需要资金支持绿色收获、停止燃烧的政策以及向Eskom出售剩余电力的系统。 To achieve this, farmers need financial support for green harvesting, policies to stop burning, and a system to sell surplus electricity to Eskom.