澳大利亚发起了3 000亿澳元倡议,帮助农民采用低排放做法,提供贷款折扣。 Australia launches $300M initiative to help farmers adopt lower-emission practices, offering loan discounts.
澳大利亚政府发起了一项耗资3亿美元的倡议,以帮助农民和农业综合企业向低排放机制和做法过渡。 The Australian government has launched a $300 million initiative to help farmers and agribusinesses transition to lower-emission machinery and practices. 通过与国家澳大利亚银行的伙伴关系,清洁能源金融公司提供贷款,利率折扣高达1.15%,从100万美元到500万美元不等。 Through a partnership with the National Australia Bank, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation offers loans with discounts of up to 1.15% on interest rates, ranging from $1 million to $5 million. 该方案旨在帮助减少温室气体排放和支持经济增长。 This program aims to aid in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and support economic growth. 农民可以利用储蓄投资于低排放肥料和减少甲烷的牲畜饲料添加剂等技术,帮助他们更具抵御气候变化的能力。 Farmers can use the savings to invest in technologies like low-emission fertilizers and methane-reducing livestock feed additives, helping them become more resilient to climate change. 尽管有这些激励措施,但全国农民联合会还是对非碳化的高成本和技术壁垒表示关切。 Despite these incentives, the National Farmers' Federation has raised concerns about the high costs and technological barriers to decarbonization.