可再生能源系统提议在Hertfordshire建造一个太阳能农场,为15 000个家庭供电并削减二氧化碳。 Renewable Energy Systems proposes a solar farm in Hertfordshire that could power 15,000 homes and cut CO2.
可再生能源系统提议在联合王国Hertfordshire建造Beane太阳能农场,旨在产生49.9兆瓦的清洁能源,足以供大约15 000户家庭使用,并在40年内抵消760 000吨二氧化碳排放量。 Renewable Energy Systems (RES) has proposed the Beane Solar Farm in Hertfordshire, UK, aiming to generate 49.9 MW of clean energy, enough for about 15,000 homes, and offset over 760,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions over 40 years. 该项目强调生物多样性,并计划加强生境、树篱和水道。 The project emphasizes biodiversity with plans to enhance habitats, hedgerows, and watercourses. 它还将把农业放牧和能源储存与尽量减少当地公路的建筑交通的措施结合起来。 It will also integrate agricultural grazing and energy storage, with measures to minimize construction traffic on local roads.