糖作物生物燃料市场在可再生能源需求和政府支持不断增长的驱动下扩大。 Sugar crop biofuel market expands, driven by rising demand for renewable energy and government support.
源自糖类作物的生物燃料市场正在扩大,预测由于对可再生能源的需求不断增加而增长。 The biofuel market derived from sugar crops is expanding, with forecasts predicting growth due to increasing demand for renewable energy sources. 这一部门被视为化石燃料的可持续替代品,得到政府促进绿色能源倡议的支持。 This sector is seen as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, supported by government initiatives promoting green energy. 在技术进步和环境政策的驱动下,市场规模和份额继续增长。 The market size and share continue to grow, driven by technological advancements and environmental policies.