一场严重的风暴袭击了波士顿,造成停电、运输延误和航班取消。 A severe storm hit Boston, causing power outages, transport delays, and flight cancellations.
2024年12月11日, 波士顿发生严重风暴, A severe storm hit Boston on December 11, 2024, causing widespread disruptions. 超过24 000个客户面临停电,尽管到午夜时这一数字下降到9 500人以下。 Over 24,000 customers faced power outages, though this number dropped to under 9,500 by midnight. 由于一条下沉的催化线和一棵倒塌的树,导致火车延误和取消。 Train delays and cancellations occurred due to a downed catenary wire and a fallen tree. 波士顿的洛根机场看到 超过两个小时的入境飞行延误 和24个取消。 Boston's Logan Airport saw over two hours of inbound flight delays and 24 cancellations. 前往楠塔基特岛和玛莎葡萄园岛的渡轮也被取消。 Ferries to Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard were also canceled. 风暴带来大雨,风速高达60米,导致洪水泛滥和旅行中断。 The storm brought heavy rain and winds up to 60 mph, leading to flooding and travel disruptions.