芝加哥市政厅档案储存区的火灾导致疏散,没有严重受伤的报告。 Fire in Chicago City Hall's records storage area causes evacuation, no serious injuries reported.
星期三上午芝加哥市政厅档案库发生火灾,导致市议会会议厅在一次会议期间撤离。 A fire broke out in the records storage area of Chicago City Hall on Wednesday morning, leading to the evacuation of City Council chambers during a meeting. 火灾迅速扑灭,使用风扇和窗户通风清除了烟雾。 The fire was quickly extinguished, and smoke was cleared using fans and window ventilation. 医务人员对几个人进行了评估,但没有严重受伤的报道。 Paramedics evaluated a few individuals but no serious injuries were reported. 该大楼于下午早些时候重新开放。 The building was reopened by early afternoon.