巴黎第12区市政厅的火灾损坏,有崩溃钟楼的危险;没有伤亡报告。 Fire damages Paris 12th district town hall, risks collapsing bell tower; no casualties reported.
星期一清晨在巴黎第12区市政厅发生火灾,破坏19世纪建筑的屋顶和钟楼。 A fire broke out early Monday morning at the 12th district town hall in Paris, damaging the roof and bell tower of the 19th-century building. 没有人员伤亡的报告,有150名消防员在3小时内扑灭了火。 No casualties were reported, and 150 firefighters extinguished the blaze in three hours. 火灾原因仍不得而知,钟塔的上部有倒塌的危险。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and the bell tower's upper part is at risk of collapse. 巴黎市长Anne Hidalgo对损坏表示悲伤。 Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo expressed sadness over the damage. 第11区市政厅的公共服务将继续。 Public services will continue at the 11th district town hall.