堪萨斯市消防员迅速携带小型公寓火灾 救援犬 原因正在调查中 Kansas City firefighters quickly contain small apartment fire, rescue dog; cause under investigation.
周五早上八点左右 在堪萨斯市 发生一起公寓火灾 An apartment fire broke out in Kansas City on Friday morning around 8 a.m. in the 4600 block of NW 78th Terrace. 消防员回应,救出一只狗,迅速控制了一场小火,没有报告有人受伤。 Firefighters responded, rescued a dog, and quickly contained a small fire with no reported injuries. 引起堪萨斯城消防局的迅速反应 Working smoke detectors in the building alerted neighbors, prompting a swift response from the Kansas City Fire Department. 当局正在调查火灾的起因 Authorities are investigating the fire's cause.