大火导致堪萨斯城公寓楼的 25 人流离失所;没有受伤报告。 Fire displaces 25 from Kansas City apartment building; no injuries reported.
密苏里州堪萨斯城一栋两层公寓楼发生火灾,导致 25 名居民流离失所。 A fire broke out in a two-story apartment building in Kansas City, Missouri, displacing 25 residents. 消防员在东 9 街对现场做出了反应,报告没有人员受伤。 Firefighters responded to the scene on East 9th Street and reported no injuries. 该建筑已经年久失修,已被列入该市的危险建筑名单。 The building was already in a state of disrepair and has been added to the city's dangerous buildings list. 美国红十字会正在协助流离失所的居民,对火灾原因的调查正在进行中。 The American Red Cross is assisting the displaced residents, and an investigation into the fire's cause is ongoing.