中国收紧关于煤矿甲烷排放的规则,以应对气候变化。 China tightens rules on methane emissions from coal mines to fight climate change.
中国制定了更严格的条例,以控制煤矿开采产生的甲烷排放,目的是应对气候变化。 China has introduced stricter regulations to control methane emissions from coal mining, aiming to combat climate change. 甲烷是一种有力的温室气体,其变暖效应比二氧化碳更强。 Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a stronger warming effect than CO2. 新规则要求煤矿排放超过8%的甲烷或超过每分钟10立方米的煤矿捕获或清除天然气,比2008年设定的30%的阈值有所下降。 The new rules require coal mines emitting over 8% methane or more than 10 cubic meters per minute to capture or eliminate the gas, a reduction from the previous 30% threshold set in 2008. 新的地雷必须在2024年4月之前遵守,而现有地雷则在2027年4月之前遵守。 New mines must comply by April 2024, while existing ones have until April 2027. 中国是世界上最大的甲烷排放国,它没有设定具体的减排目标,但旨在优化能源使用和改善采矿安全。 China, the world's top methane emitter, has not set specific reduction targets but aims to optimize energy use and improve mining safety.