一辆汽车撞向旧金山沃尔格林,造成两人受伤,并引起安全关切。 A car crashed into a San Francisco Walgreens, injuring two people and raising safety concerns.
一辆汽车于星期三上午坠毁在旧金山西门户附近的Walgreens商店,车伤了司机和店内的一人。 A car crashed into a Walgreens store in San Francisco's West Portal neighborhood on Wednesday morning, injuring the driver and a person inside the store. 由于损坏,该商店暂时关闭。 The store closed temporarily due to the damage. 这起事件发生在3月份致命失事现场附近,凸显了该地区持续存在的安全关切。 This incident occurred near the site of a fatal crash in March, highlighting ongoing safety concerns in the area.