一名妇女在堪萨斯州牛顿市的沃尔玛汽车撞车后死亡;商店因结构评估而关闭。 Woman dies, crashes car into Walmart in Newton, KS; store closed for structural evaluation.
周五,一名妇女因医疗紧急情况,将车撞入堪萨斯州牛顿的一家沃尔玛商店后死亡。 A woman died on Friday after suffering a medical emergency and crashing her car into a Walmart store in Newton, Kansas. 汽车冲破了商店的视野中心区域,事件中没有其他人受伤。 The car crashed through the vision center area of the store, and no one else was injured in the incident. 沃尔玛因结构损坏而被疏散,牛顿市执法部门已下令该建筑保持关闭,直到结构工程师对其进行评估。 Walmart was evacuated due to structural damage, and the City of Newton code enforcement has ordered the building to remain closed until it can be evaluated by a structural engineer. 该女子的身份尚未公布。 The identity of the woman has not yet been released.