车辆撞入阿拉巴马州Huntsville的美元树商店;没有伤亡报告。 Vehicle crashed into Dollar Tree store in Huntsville, Alabama; no injuries reported.
星期一七点左右, 一辆汽车撞到阿拉巴马州Huntsville的一家“美元树”商店。 A vehicle crashed into a Dollar Tree store in Huntsville, Alabama, on Monday at around 7 PM. 幸运的是,没有报告有人受伤。 Fortunately, no injuries were reported. 坠机原因仍不明,尚不清楚是意外还是故意坠机。 The cause of the crash remains unknown, and it is unclear whether it was accidental or intentional. 这起事故是市内最近几起 与车辆有关的事故之一 但它是唯一一起 与建筑物碰撞有关的事故 This incident marks one of several recent vehicle-related accidents in the city, but it's the only one involving a building collision. 有关该商店状况和潜在收费的进一步详情尚未确定。 Further details about the store's condition and potential charges are still pending.