一辆SUV撞向底特律一家沃尔玛商店,造成五人受伤,其中包括一名儿童。 An SUV crashed into a Walmart store in Detroit, injuring five people, including a child.
一辆SUV撞向底特律郊区的一家沃尔玛商店,造成五人受伤,其中包括一名两三岁的儿童。 An SUV crashed into a Walmart store in suburban Detroit, injuring five people, including a 2- or 3-year-old child. 这起事件发生在商店药房区附近,目前尚不清楚事故原因或伤者情况。 The incident occurred near the pharmacy section of the store, and it remains unclear what led to the crash or the conditions of the injured. 目击者称现场一片混乱,商品散落在地板上。 Witnesses described the scene as chaotic, with merchandise scattered across the floor. 据称,司机将车开进商店约 45 英尺。 The driver allegedly drove into the store about 45 feet.