车辆撞入西温哥华酒类商店,造成一名旁观者受伤。 Vehicle crashes into West Vancouver liquor store, injuring one bystander.
周三中午 12 点 30 分,一辆汽车撞上了西温哥华的一家酒类商店,造成一名旁观者受伤,该旁观者受轻伤住院。 A vehicle crashed into a West Vancouver liquor store on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., injuring one bystander who was hospitalized with minor injuries. 司机没有受伤。 The driver was unharmed. 西温哥华警方正在调查此事件, 并没有发现驾驶失常的迹象. West Vancouver police are investigating the incident and found no signs of impaired driving. 当局敦促在驾驶车辆时谨慎行事,并表示可以放心,飞机失事没有造成严重伤害。 Authorities are urging caution when operating vehicles and expressed relief that there were no serious injuries resulting from the crash.