加州大学洛杉矶分校预测,Trump政策可能会减慢2025年美国低于2%的增长率,对加利福尼亚州同样产生影响。 UCLA forecast predicts Trump policies may slow 2025 U.S. growth below 2%, affecting California similarly.
加州大学洛杉矶分校的预测预测预测,由于即将出台的2025年特朗普政策(包括关税、驱逐和减税),经济将出现不确定性。 UCLA's forecast predicts economic uncertainty due to incoming Trump policies for 2025, including tariffs, deportations, and tax cuts. 关税和驱逐可以提高成本,到2025年中期将国内生产总值增长率降低到2%以下。 Tariffs and deportation could raise costs and reduce GDP growth below 2% by mid-2025. 加利福尼亚州的经济预计将增长与全国的增长率相似,但可能面临劳动力短缺和因移民和税收政策而发生的变化。 California's economy is expected to grow similarly to the national rate, but could face labor shortages and changes due to immigration and tax policies. 预测突出了重大经济影响,但指出了政策执行细节方面的不确定因素。 The forecast highlights significant economic impacts but notes uncertainties in policy implementation details.