加利福尼亚人对州经济持悲观态度, 不赞同Newsom处理经济问题, Californians are pessimistic about the state's economy and disapprove of Newsom's handling of economic issues, poll shows.
最近的一项民意调查显示,大多数加利福尼亚人对州经济持悲观态度,不赞成州长Gavin Newsom处理经济问题,尽管他们对个人经济感到乐观。 A recent poll shows that most Californians are pessimistic about the state's economy and disapprove of Governor Gavin Newsom's handling of economic issues, despite feeling optimistic about their personal finances. 包括当地代表在内的批评者认为,Newsom的政策导致了更高的成本、失业和企业离开。 Critics, including local representatives, argue that Newsom's policies have led to higher costs, job losses, and business departures. 尽管有这些批评意见,加利福尼亚人不打算离开州,将控制成本和通货膨胀作为优先事项,作为下一任总统的高度优先事项。 Despite these criticisms, Californians do not plan to leave the state and prioritize controlling costs and inflation as a high priority for the next president.